Healthcare News
Analysis of factors affecting the time for implantation of a total hip arthroplasty in patients with symptomatic primary and secondary hip osteoarthritis
Many studies have identified factors associated with an unfavourable clinical outcome or an early conversion to total hip arthroplasty (THA) after joint-preserving treatment. We analysed the effect and reliability of different factors on the age at which THA becomes necessary.
Cycling knee pain: What to know
Many cycling injuries occur due to overuse of the joints of the lower body, especially the knees.
Hip flexors get weak when we sit too much but simple stretches and strengthening exercises can leave you less stiff
I am sure you've been told you should stand up and move away from your work stations or use a standing desk where possible. One of the major benefits of doing this is to activate and stretch the hip flexor area.
Seven tips for exercising safely during a heatwave
When summer temperatures soar, the idea of working out might be the furthest thing from your mind. But just because it's hot doesn't mean you can't still squeeze a workout in if you want to, though there are a few adjustments you may need to make to your normal routine.
Virtual physical therapy may improve function, patient satisfaction after TKA
Results showed patients who utilized a virtual physical therapy program after total knee arthroplasty had similar outcomes, but significant cost and time savings, compared with patients who used a formal physical therapy program.